F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 315 was elected head of the Department of Astronomy at the Lesgaft Higher Courses. In 1911, at the Second Mendeleev Congress N.A. Morozov made a report on the theme "The past and future of the worlds from the modern geophysical point of view," in which he expressed the bold idea that new stars arise out of the explosion of old ones , which occurs as a result of the decomposition of atoms of matter that have become radioactive. Today, this previously challenged hypothesis, in a somewhat modified form, is shared by a wide circle of astronomers and physicists. N.A. Morozov was interested in many branches of mathematics – from differential and integral calculus and algebra of complex numbers to vectors and projective geometry, as well as the theory of probability. His interest in these matters was closely connected with the application of these mathematical disciplines to natural science. From 1908 to 1912 he published three major works on mathematics: "The beginnings of vector algebra in their genesis from pure mathematics"; "Bases of qualitative physical and mathematical analysis" and "Visual presentation of differential and integral calculus ". Most fully original ideas of Nikolai Alexandrovich in the field of astronomy are presented in his work "The Universe" . He takes a new look at questions of universal gravitation, at the origin and evolution of the solar system, at star clusters, and the structure of the Milky Way. He worked a lot on the theory of relativity. To his remarkable ideas there also belongs the hypothesis of the interconnection and periodicity of astrophysical and astrochemical phenomena. For a long time he worked on the fundamental work "Theoretical Foundations of Geophysics and Meteorology", in which he showed that the impact of the Galaxy on the meteorological and geophysical processes of the Earth is of a regular nature. The impact is so great that without introducing it into calculations one can not even dream of a scientific weather forecast. N.A. Morozov was also greatly interested in aviation and aeronautics. He became one of the pioneers of scientific aeronautics in Russia, got the title of pilot, was the chairman of the commission for scientific flights, lectured at the aviation school, flew many times on the first balloons, proposed a system of a parachute opening automatically, as well as special suits for high-altitude flights (a model of modern clothes of pilots and cosmonauts).
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