F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 307 (and all of its "academicians" with their science based on the "Horse Science") have not been able to "get", and for this reason the "scientists" of the whole world have not been able to solve the problem on the extension of biological life. It is for this reason that they were not able to get to changing the Design of Man’s Brain and MAKE A CONTROLLED ANIMAL out of him. And it was only thanks to the works of N. Levashov and A. Khatybov that this FUNDAMENTAL KNOWLEDGE became accessible to scientists’ understanding. By the way, on the site of Makov ( ) one can know about the fact that it is the geneticists and gerontologists of Russia who will be the first to solve the problem of biological existence of the flesh cell, and accordingly, the biological extension of Human life. Positive actions in this direction are being realized. I will quote one of A. Khatybov's notes intended for those who are eager to move forward in knowledge. It says a lot . "I imperatively recommend the thinking and having ears. For the time being the network is not usurped by the idiots censoring what they "are deprived to understand by God...", learn and go forward without hesitating. Learn to think at least here on these examples, which I quoted time after time to the «venerable scholars." The spine below the ribs is called "pony tail" in medicine . This indicates at the CONTINUITY of KNOWLEDGE and brings the king of nature on a par with mammals, and in some cases also with herring. It is known that the fish also have the Brain that the fish breathe oxygen, and since they have NO LUNGS , then they have a certain Generator of extracting this oxygen from the water, that is, the GENERATOR of COLD NUCLEAR SYNTHESIS . Man does not have such a Generator, so the fish are more intelligent creatures than Humans?! It is known that the heart "pushes" the blood, but if you calculate the load, it turns out that the muscle energy of the heart is IN SUFFICIENT . In addition, the Human has blood vessels of 1 micron (these vessels account for more than 90% of all blood vessels). At the same time, the erythrocyte has a size of 7-9 microns . The fact that the erythrocyte is not able to get into a smaller blood vessel can be demonstrated by experience. Take the pillow, come up to the tap in the bathroom and try to push the pillow there. But the main thing is not here, but in the fact that medicine does not know WHETHER THERE IS AN ERYTHROCYTE in the living blood. " So
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