F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 293 are balanced by centrifugal forces, the planets inexplicably fly in inertia curvilinearly and unevenly; - the potential energy of the same body is considered positive (when the body falls to Earth) and negative (when the body orbits around the Earth), although energy, as a scalar mathematical measure of motion, can not be negative; as a consequence, the total energy of a body flying past the Earth along a parabolic trajectory with a second cosmic velocity turns out to be zero, since its kinetic and potential energies are equal and opposite in sign; - according to theory, positive and negative microparticles should be attracted to each other and annihilate, however in atoms and substances electrons are not attracted to protons and do not annihilate; - waves of the electromagnetic field are considered identical to the microparticles moving in the void ( the particle-wave duality of electrons and photons); - wave electrons inexplicably fly around the atomic nuclei, jump from one orbit to another, emitting and absorbing photon waves, bind atoms to molecules and form electric current in conductors; - when atoms are fragmented (on accelerators), uncountable fragments are obtained, in the classification of which a confusion arose; Nevertheless, physicists are trying to explain the structure of the universe according to these "brick fragments". Refusing to develop subject models and naming mathematical models by physical theories, "... physicists have sunk into the hazy atmosphere of matrices and wave mechanics, into mathematical operations. They made the right conclusions, but at the same time they did not understand the physical reality behind them. " (Max Planck). A famous theoretical physicist, Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman for many years was engaged in the popularization of physical theories, but he also did NOT AVOID doubts about their scientific value and honestly spoke about this at his "popular" lectures. Here are some excerpts from the lectures: "Gravitation could not be associated with the laws of motion.. It can not be explained by any other phenomena ... Quantum physics is a monstrous confusion... NO ONE UNDERSTANDS why nature is so arranged ... There are no good theories to explain the structure of nature. " (The same thing was written by N. Levashov). Judging by the methodology and content of the theories, physics has been developed as an art of solving applied problems, that is, as applied mathematics ( mathematical physics ), and, calling it the science of nature,
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