F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 285 In what way has it been done for the last 2000 years? Having identified a strategic point in the construction, a security concept is being developed. From this moment ALL EFFORTS are focused on protecting the worldview. For those who "are engaged in it" (the Church, Academy of Sciences or the Commission on pseudoscience) it does not matter, whether the true worldview lies at the foundation or the wrong one. It is important that if it is broken in some way, the social construction is guaranteed to collapse. And it CANNOT BE ALLOWED . That is why the works of Alexander Khatybov and, to a lesser extent, N. Levashov’s has been "wiped off". If written by Levashov could be taken in the initial understanding of the majority, for "science fiction", esotericism, etc., then Khatybov's writings were considered to be DANGEROUS with SPECIFIC CALCULATIONS and recommendation. But all these "protectors" of people from science and from the NEW KNOWLEDGE obtained thanks to these works did not take into account one thing – that the combined information obtained by "adding" (comprehending and combining) these works is like a nuclear bomb that can destroy EVERYTHING , if it is conceived and DULY USED. Now, about the events ongoing before our eyes. If today's worldview had elite, then its truth would be the following – to preserve the foundation. Save it at any cost. It, this elite, would oppose the bearers of new worldview with the same fury as the Inquisition opposed dissidence. But their modern worldview, in accordance with what Khatybov wrote (and this is another clear example confirming the rightness of N. Levashov and A. Khatybov), does not have such strength. Its nothingness is manifested by the NOTHINGNESS of TODAY”S ELITE . We see this every day in the media and on the Internet. If, of course, we are able to see. This elite NO LONGER SEES the consequences of the dissemination of information that destroys the theory of eternal world, and therefore it is to be swept away soon. But the principal thing is not to destroy the world. The processes are ongoing, similar to those that brought to the collapse of the Roman Empire (that has NOT EXISTED in the form it is presented