F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 275 Synthesis". All works related to top-secret development of the military- industrial complex, since they were the basis for the creation of new high- technology types of strategic weapons. The availability of this weapon in the USSR allowed M.S. Gorbachev, to declare an "asymmetric response" to the US Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), which led to curtailing the entire program of Americans who knew about these developments. I did not set the task of studying and refining the details of A. Khatybov’s autobiography in view of the fact that practically everything has been withdrawn and "cleaned" on the Internet and can not touch upon the formal moments of his biography, but I am sure that being under close attention of certain special services, he lived under conditions of everyday life and creative activity discomfort . From B. Makov , I knew how this amazing, uncommon and tireless researcher had been unprotected in the midst of worldly vanity. His sincere creative impulses WERE OFTEN NOT UNDERSTOOD in the official circles. It is impossible to explain the reason for such a situation with simple words and images, but it has been going the way that the fate of almost all Geniuses excludes their recognition in their lifetime. Alexander Mikhailovich Khatybov (Morozov) was born on February 9, 1945 in the town of Cherepanovo, Novosibirsk Region . He got higher education in the most prestigious technical educational institutes of the country – Bauman MVTU then, in 1969, now the Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman. It is the first and one of the leading and largest technical universities in Russia, whose diplomas are highly quoted in Western countries. Khatibov's specialization was mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, celestial mechanics. I will give the most significant works and directions of A. Khatibov's activity for Mankind (I say it with full responsibility for my words). Directions of his research: - mathematics; - physics. Unknown atomic structure; - the golden section in an atom; - Biology. A living cell. Principles of existence; - medicine. Frequency balance of the human body; - celestial mechanics. Calculations; - noosphere. Habitat, gratings and conditions of existence; His own development is used:
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