F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 257 executive operational qualities associated with the manifestation of more perfect control over the operation of a particular internal organ, then such an individual became a "programmed-brain donor". The perfected feature of his Brain activity to control the activity of an organ is perceived by the control system as positive, i.e. the best experience. Such manifested options for planned deviations from previously tested control frequencies were fixed and later, after repeated and massive verification by programmed brain donors, were duplicated for their subsequent setting in "The Golden Billion and Million" (Brain Genotypes 42, 44 and 46). Such processes required QUITE A LOT OF TIME , and polishing was carried out on many generations of donors. Actually, this is what N. Levashov DID NOT SAY . And, in my opinion, he did correctly, giving information that time that could be adequately received and then, as we know, FAR FROM EVERYONE. For example, for the manifestation of non-unitary individuals, the so- called "new Russians, or simply oligarchs " , it was required to make complex experiments on the part of the System both in the field of energy biogenesis of the flesh and in the correction of many Brain functions, i.e. to the future "surplus in caviar, money, the frenzy of market relations and the shadow economy" the Brain functions were taught and worked out slowly. This involved at least four generations of "programmed-brain donors", on which the module of FUTURE INDIVIDUALS was tested for the subsequent introduction of programmed and functional orientation to receive information from the System on the NEW world perception and the imminence of social re-arrangement through the RUTHLESS destruction of all that existed before them. In the popular rumor, such brain donors were called "styli", and later "the sixties». A complete list of such worked-out and implanted individuals has been sung of by sociologists in the annals of history-from Gorbachev and Yeltsin to Chubais, with all the images of a separate breed of Gaidars inclusive and further adherent to them of petty abandoned, lost youth with an indefinite functional and other orientation, like the involved programmed executors on the immanent perception basis of information. They have no their own "brains" but outwardly they look like their brain donors. After the frequencies are set and checked in operation, the entire mass of previously involved "programmed-brain donors" was NO longer WANTED , and the System got rid of them, carrying out a CLEARING with
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