F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 243 for the implementation of the Program "Development of the energy biogenesis of the flesh cell " from the Kailas Control Complex , anticipated all the processes of selection control of the "fishery" on the Planet. It was on its part that the program process for the development of certain species of fish was set: in what evaluation condition for protein and minerals it should arrive in the area of its "consumption", what areas it should visit with specific mineral salt "brines" in their specific ionic state in order to give themselves a proper "marketable" condition of their consumed essence, and much more. Its "decisions" the CC Easter passed the Control server of Mae island for the governing the migratory transport processes. Isn’t it talented and touching?! What kind of care! This explains some previously unnoticable casuses. Pacific herring for some "unknown reasons" and strong-willed orders of "party leaders" was supplied in great amount to the western regions of the great and vast country, and Atlantic herring, the other way round. It would be necessary to take into account the whole "inexpediency" of such an act, taking into account the transportation costs, but this was done exactly that way and only at a certain period from August 28 to January 19 ! And for the rest of the year, the government took special care of the "child hatred" – fish oil. The Party WAS NOT ABLE to answer the question on the imposed “expediency” of such an act then, and especially now, because of its absence as such. Seizing the occasion (and the logic of the proposition), I would like to ask political scientists, "the creators of historical events", an important question: on which day did "patriotism" come to an end over the entire post-Soviet space and with the help of what volitional action of the leaders? As a clue here is a leading question: when and who issued the decree on abolishing free provision of preschool children's institutions with fish oil? The same question concerns the officials with purchased certificates of various degrees and ranks fighting "pseudoscience" with all their proletarian hatred , BUT FOR WAGES . And what do fish, seafood and public Consciousness have to do with all this? The matter is not in the fish, but in the fact that the SIGNIFICANT PART of the Planet population, oriented to satisfying the vital need of their flesh