F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 239 - processes of transferring control information on a sufficient level of saturation with tritium sea and fresh water; - providing with tritium as the main energy replenishment, with its targeted "delivery" to the Control Complexes and Objects (there was the Gulf Stream for the CC Bermuda); - formation of the energy information state of fresh and sea water for a year, and many other things. Moreover, the Hydrophone layer No. 2 does not take a passive position in water formation, which is carried out in the other upper layers of the Atmosphere. It is not interested in the yield indicators in the fruit and vegetable production of the average geographical region or the quantitative changes in the herd in the Prairies. But keeping the minimum state of the water level, it WILL NOTICE and INFORMS of the danger. What is it all for and exactly this way? What for are those complicated subtleties, and how does it relate to reasoning about individual and social Consciousness? Does not it seem to a man of the world that this is an artificial pulling of the connection between one topic of judgment and another? Unfortunately, for the majority (and this has be recognized) of the townsfolk, whose world view is based on the SIMPLE populist WORLDLY CLAIMS that “Moscow is surrounded by Russia”, or all the subtleties of the metabolic processes of the flesh sell are governed by the successes in business of American McDonald's restaurants, and the Generator and "SvetL" Programs "have gone" together with N. Levashov, – everything looks EXACTLY LIKE THIS . But the truth of the "World Created" and today’s realities are absolutely different! Very many processes of natural development in the ocean area and the continental part of the territory, which, as if developed by people in the interests of their everyday life with a certain degree of satisfaction in their sufficiency and comfort, are taken by people for the development of the "Natural environment" . People are so used to their supremacy over their "conquered" nature that to a certain extent they "have lost the sense of proportion", they monotonously bite the "philosophical stone" invented by them and do not remember what they live for and how long their ALL-DESTROYING AGGRESSIVENESS is going to be tolerated by this " “conquered " Nature. Moreover, most of them are completely UN INTERESTED , even at the level of curiosity, whether the forming natural processes are spontaneous or something governs them . With what degree of utility for people is the