F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 21 It is important to realize whether the Brain affects the life of a person. It turns out that we do not have a true notion of what the Brain is. We cannot see the Brain under a microscope or cut it with a scalpel. We actually HAVE a VAGUE idea of the Brain . And in order to perceive it, as A. Khatybov used it say, "you have to have a Bath". That's the way the name was born, uniting everything that is going to be written here : N. Levashov’s "SvetL " Broom" in A. Khatybov’s Bath School and a Labour Spade " You are going to get to know: what N. Levashov’s "SvetL Broom" is and what it is for; what the "Bath School" is and why you should go there; What a "Labor Spade" is and how to use it. Often it is easier for an intelligent person to open a new truth to the world than to realize why others do not accept it. I have long been convinced that no matter how hard I try to be understandable; people still are not able to part with the usual clichés overnight, especially if their CONSCIOUSNESS has lost its elasticity and is stiffened, which is typical of the older age. It does not want to part with the MYTHS put into their heads. I will try to break these clichés, return to the standard consciousness of people their Human properties and that world outlook that has been deliberately hidden for millennia. Today Man has two ways to go. ONE is to abandon all reasoning about the foundation and nature of the society, merge with the crowd, hunting for bread and shows and surrender to the will of the elements. THE OTHER is to go further into the matter, the causes of our troubles and build up a modern system of knowledge; to create the system based on the knowledge of those who ran counter to the so-called modern science and who stood and still standing at the source of NEW KNOWLEDGE , that are destined to bring the Humanity out of that abyss and darkness into which people were deliberately immersed. There is reading caused by emotions, and there are emotions caused by reading, which is more important. But there is also a HUMAN MIND that emotions interfere with. There are many who have already realized that we need information (out of reading) and the Mind for accepting (or not accepting) this information. Lots of people when reading N. Levashov’s works paid attention to the fact that with the first reading they got at one meaning of the text, and then, re-reading, they conceived the text in a different way, that was much deeper and more meaningful. Practically all the information from A. Khatybov and N. Morozov , on the sites of the