F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 155 the "sandbox", that is, in the structure with MAXIMUM dispersion, spermatozoid grows rapidly (losing octaves of the Brain). When reaching the equilibrium (octave 71,225625) the signal is developed and the DELIVERY COMES. This implies an important conclusion – the NEW BRAIN is in a higher octave, and the functions of the old Brain might be AFFECTED only PARTIALLY. Earlier I mentioned that the existence of non-inertial mass modern science does not even has doubts about. In octaves over 64 there are 8 different atomic structures (they are given conventional names – neutron and antineutron, neutrino and antineutrino, etc.). Each of these structures has a range of existence (charge). The loss of charge increases the potential of the lower octave. An example : when transferring power octave of 65.5 in 32,125225 we get a powerful discharge of lightning (comparable with the power generated by a hydroelectric station for hundreds of years), although the initial state is impossible to see. Taking into account (excluding the official science) the presence of various "divine" phenomena, as well as advertised astral, mental and other fields (recently a fashionable field is torsion), I want to draw your attention to the growing number of perpetual motion engines, or, at least, the desire to create them. More than 99% of such works are obvious nonsense, even from the official science point of view; but, if in some cases in technical solution the NON-INERTIAL MASS IS PRESENT the problem cannot be solved with conventional means and devices, the more so, that the Bohr atom does not change the size andMendeleev periodic table does not contain non-inertial mass. Is the existence of perpetual motion possible? If you take the period of time of 100 years, it is possible, by dissipating the high octaves the ion mass can obtain "recharge from nowhere", but only in case of the presence or merging inertial and non-inertial mass. An example of such a perpetual motion engine is a Man, whose Brain is in the non-inertial structure. What will happen if someone takes into his head to visit Pluto in a modern spacecraft? While moving there will be DISPERSION of the HIGHER OCTAVES ( and that is the Brain), so when passing Mars we will have the Brain of Pithecanthropus, and AT THE DESTINATION – a PILE of SAND . All the objects that move in Space, have gravito-magneto- electric Generator that supports the existence of migrating matrices at all