F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 111 belonging to a particular genotype of the Brain), the process of keeping back was both pointless, and inevitable. ALL THE CARRIED OUT Control was transferred to the base of digital technologies on all aspects, in both the goal- oriented spheres of being of capitalism and socialism. The Global Financial Systemmade the most important qualitative leap, universally switching over to the electronic Control records and electronic money. They, in turn, began to have certain properties regardless of the nature of the use of the provided volume of the circulated substitute (printed money and their support). The finance accumulation and technological preparation for the transition to the next stage of development of genotypes of the Brain had been completed. 1990-2009 The Control Complex of the Alps (Alps, Alps 1 and 2) gained their perfection. By the end of 1989 it had secured the carrying out of the final stage in the formation of the "Golden billion" (the genotypes of the Brain 44) .The stable dominant power-legal and social position, unshakable possession and full Control of the main material values of the Planet, including the circulated "wealth" (substitute), by the representatives of the 44 and partially the 42 genotypes of the Brain were provided and supported. The transition to the next and final stage – the development of the 46 genotype of the Brain (the so-called "Golden million") started. In 1990 California Control Complex started to work and entered into an active phase, it marked the beginning of the INTRODUCTION OF A NEW 461 genotype of the Brain . The basic server to Control these processes in Russia was the object placed in Saint-Petersburg (under St Isaac's Cathedral). Now, I hope, it became clear why St. Petersburg "team" "came" to power in Russia. And in the course of the narrative I would like to note that the programmed goals in the development of the genotype of the Brain was fixed on giving "the shirt" a higher level of Energybiogenesis, based on the SIGNIFICANT INCREASE in the period of its biological life and lending them more advanced parameters of the Brain by SETTING DIFFERENT functional mantissas and a certain raise of the octave of the Brain. However, in mid-2013, the "object" was "turned off", and the consequences of the work produced by it have been balanced by the introduced peripheral complex "Vyborg". Not the last role (in tactical terms) was played by the Generator that was moved from N, Levashov’s Castle in France, but more about it – a little later. I just want to note that all the yelling of both the representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, and of so called
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