F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 109 The state of the "Authoritative of revenge" in sphere of Control, that lasted until 1990, allowed representatives of the 442 genotype of the Brain to fully accomplish their Programmed functions. They managed, on the bones and blood of hundreds of millions of people, to gain the unwavering authoritative state in all spheres of the world community being Control, create Programmed social and governing structures of local and global plan, ensure the required volumes of accumulation and concentration of financial resources Control and circulated produced substitute in their hands, etc., and also prepare a different social situation for the future "Golden million". So this period by reason of distinct Programmed changes should be divided into three stages: the first stage (1841-1904) – REVOLUTIONISM . The second stage (1904-1946) – the MILITANT FASCISM . The third stage (1946-1990) – DESTRUCTIVE DEMOCRATISM. 1904-1946, Militant fascism On the side of the System a significant Programmed correction and target reorientation of all Governing processes was carried out including the Programmed executive states of "needs, labour and work" : the February revolution, the October coup d’état, the 1st World war, the seizure of power by fascists in Germany and Italy, the 2nd World war, etc. – Programmed processes, executed by the old System. The Programmed process of the executive character for people – "The Elimination of 50 million of the used and dispensable individuals, as the aftermaths of the Programmed process of Energybiogenesis of the flesh cell". The executive actions in the active form of their manifestations started to happen only since 1934, further they turned into the Second World war. By the month of May 1945 (Victory Day the 09 of May –is also the Programmed process), the second stage of this period approached its completion. Is it Cynical? Beyond Human comprehension? Yes! But it was exactly that way. And all, that "historians" are holding forth at this subject HAS NOTHING TO DO about that. All this "history" had been done only for the sake of the certain genotype of people. I am sure that it is ALREADY CLEAR to you, Reader. All the Governing correction of the Programmed terms on the side of the Control Complexes have been completed The process of the territorial