F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's «SvetL Broom» in A. Khatybov's «Bath School» and A Labour Spade 107 Having more subtle logical structure and higher-level functional capacity in reception of the Administrative information, the representatives of this genotype of the Brain, NOT POSSESSING great representational quantity, were able in a short time to break most of the established stereotypes of the methodology values, structures of statehood and law, and got down to the processes of social transformation of societies on a large area almost simultaneously. Material values have gained lots of new forms and changed significantly in scale. Active development of the RULES and laws of the NEW exchange began. The society has got an impetus in the development of banking system and formation of the elements of the world finance system. A steady and solid influence on all the process of being acquired the provided amounts of the circulated substitute. The control, possession and application of the circulated substitute (gold) were taken by the representatives of the Brain genotype 441. All subjects’ values and their basis changed under the dictatorial influence of sacral orders and clans . The construction of the society’s authority social structures, the formation of economic systems (economy) on the basis of slavery application of the "economy Man", Programmed accumulation of unsolved social problems – that was the way of training and polishing functional opportunities and abilities of the 441 genotype of the Brain. It was a DIFFICULT STAGE of acquiring the ability to Operate in tough and difficult conditions in the coming into being machine age. Through practical activities of the performers of the 441 genotype of the Brain in a short historical period it was started the incarnation of the Programmed process of labour division, which played a crucial role in the decision of "ways of civilization development". By the end of 1840 the leading position of the individuals of the 441 genotype of the Brain in the field of Controlling the societies began loosing its power. Conflicts inside the clans and secret orders were growing in number. Disintegration and confrontation substantially affected their authority functions in the societies. The effectiveness of their actions and the legality of the performers dropped essentially. The Control System was getting ready for the introduction of a new Programmed genotype, and the World was to endure a bloody historical period for a century and a half.
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