F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's "SvetL Broom" in A. Khatybov's "Bath School" and A Labour Spade 91 philosophical point of view, whether it is easy to understand, whether it is flawless in terms of common sense. For example, from the point of view of common sense, quantum electrodynamics gives a completely absurd description of Nature. But it fully corresponds to the experiment. So, I hope you can accept Nature as it is – as absurd. " "Why should we measure superhuman expediency with human measures? And then, imagine: howmuch force do you apply to hit your cheek to kill an unfortunate mosquito? After all, such a blow could have killed all mosquitoes around at once. Or, for example, what is the expediency of building a bridge across the river from the pike's point of view?" In other words, there is certainly some regularity or logic in these or those actions of the organism (especially in reactions to factors that interfere with its equilibrium), but to understand it to the majority of people (including doctors and scientists, connoisseurs and psychics) the way Levashov and Khatybov did it is NOT POSSIBLE , at any rate, at this stage of Cognition. There are many for whom, these concepts are comparable to a kind of "black box" which principles of operation you do not understand, but you are able to discover by some experimental method some ways of changing its mode of action so, in general, it starts to work clearly better. And so far – that is all, neither more nor less. You can put it another way – we often (but not always) understand how the body does something, but we hardly or don’t understand at all – why and what for. And if you suddenly hear or read that someone understands everything and can explain everything from the point of some unique theory (usually this mania affects all sorts of folk healers, representatives of so-called alternative medicine and other patented inventors), then you should know – to any such a theory you can pick up a physiological curious (i.e. an example or fact from real life, and not one), which will instantly nullify all of its pathos and universality. Or, as N. Morozov put it: "The greatest tragedy of science is the destruction of a magnificent theory with one small, vile fact". To put it simply, there can not be any guarantees and techniques regarding the generalization of the use of the "SvetL" Programs , which interact with the Users. In each case, everything is only individual and depends on many factors, and especially on the user's Brain genotype. All as in quantum mechanics – there are only probabilities – major or minor. Very high probability of recovery, as the practice of using the Programs shows, high probability of the Brain development and its adaptation in interaction with the Control System (but the probability is based on the desire for knowledge) and the probability of taking the Bath (in this case you need the Broom and the Spade ).