F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's "SvetL Broom" in A. Khatybov's "Bath School" and A Labour Spade 199 comprehension and finding of a different world view . All the miracle is in the simplicity of switching the state of faith from one active direction to another , and the personality in such accomplishment was somehow forgotten to be asked. The bulk of individuals, who by their functional allotments and the genotype of the Brain were able to possess such an executive condition that did not require the process of Cognition and was not characteristic for them, was basically subject to a stable state of faith in keeping the effectiveness of religious dogmas. The only temporary deviation from such religious dogmas at a certain historical short period, as a separate program episode of a special form and social construction of the control, is the "ideology of Marxism-Leninism", temporarily overshadowed by its predominant power of effectiveness, but it was a controlled program process. It came to the former norm immediately after the end of such a controlled program procedure, and the "parishioners" returned to their habitual place, i.e. under the previous control effect, PROVIDED AND SUPPORTED BY INFORMATION CONCENTRATORS, placed under the temples. There is no contribution for the part of the fabricated democracy, and especially its particularly unbridled liberal form, in the change of the state of faith at all. All this is invented by political technologists. This, in fact, all of us have seen, when the CPSU membership cards were thrown into the garbage can and the crosses, candles (not knowing in which hand to hold), and the Bible as the basic document were grabbed instead. True, most of them have not even opened this document, but some – even leafed through. One "shepherd", in the person of an ideological commanding countenance, – the CPSU as the Mind, Honor and Conscience, was replaced by the previous pastoral government, but no longer possessed that effective state of power, as had been the case with "complete pre- revolutionary illiteracy". To "shepherd’s" regret, at this moment there began the process of liquidation of all former programmed control directives and destruction of the most complicated old Control System with its technical and technological supporting unshakable power, including the effectiveness of information concentrators under temples! The apophaticity of the former power state in all areas of the organization of people's existence on the basis of violence began to shake with increasing rates, especially after 2000.