F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's "SvetL Broom" in A. Khatybov's "Bath School" and A Labour Spade 159 3.8. Fatality, mistakes and "SvetL" in addition Often you can read about the fact that such a healer, in fact, does not treat for any disease, but activates certain "dynamic" and "energy" "codes" of Man, thereby "activating the hidden reserves of the body, after which the body copes with the disease on its own. Unfortunately, this is all slyness, too (not to say deception) and nothing more than a beautiful fairy tale. A really sick man does not have any reserves at all. There is just nothing to activate there. You have to put in everything from the outside, like information blocks (information) for the Brain activation in for the desired recovery. Although, of course, there are a lot of pathological states, when there are some excess reserves (for example, fat), but for some reason these reserves underutilized or not used by the body at all. And many "healers", and not only they, are at a loss. In this case, indeed, it is often necessary ONLY A CORRECT ACTIVATION OF THE RESERVE ; involving it in the general cycle of substances in the body while controlling this process by the Brain. But more often, I come across (and Nicolai faced it, too, telling me about it) with the following. A person has suffered from something chronically or "suddenly" is down with something very serious. In this regard, of course, sooner or later there comes a desire to regain lost health, or, at least, to improve the quality of life. As a rule, everyone starts going round one or another medical centers, but usually with the same result – dozens of examinations from therapists, cardiologists, neuropathologists, endocrinologists, pulmonologists, infectious disease specialists, oncologists, etc., followed with "treatment" by the newest, most up-to-date medicines. Temporary relief after taking these drugs is accompanied by a mass of side effects. But the worst thing is that the diagnoses of most doctors contradict each other in the extreme – some cancel the appointments of others, they question the analyzes results, the third refuse the previous diagnosis to make a new verdict, the fourth ... and so endlessly. In fact, MAN "IS MADE" TO TAKE MEDICINES, and he goes to see doctors as to the church. At some point, many sufferers begin to feel victims of some conspiracy (I am writing it alluding to the letters, I receive). After that people often go to alternative medicine – cleansing, hunger, diets, cold shower, running, raw