Book 2. The Bath School. Chapter 2. Physics of the Bath Taking Process 96 After making a cursory analysis of the Bath , it should be noted that having a Bath without accompanying materials does not make any sense, therefore, let us consider briefly the catalysts in the bath process. In our case, the Catalyst (biological) is what accelerates the "reaction", but is not a part of what we have to get. The catalysts, about which we are going to talk, can be active and passive. The active catalysts are in the same phase with each the reacting processes , the passive ones form an independent phase, separated by a border from the process in which they participate. For each bath process only certain catalysts are effective. Катализаторы в банном процессе 2.2. Catalysts in the bath taking process After a busy day full of events and actions consuming great capacity of the respective convolutions of the Brain, a short recovery process is necessary in which the Brain gets free of unnecessary "junk"; and working cells of the body – from outside "witnesses". Urbanization has contributed to the bathing process. With the technologies of the XXI century having a Bath does not take 2-3 hours as it used to be but tens of minutes. Advanced technologies include the invention of the catalysts , and "SvetL" Programs , which are also the catalysts that significantly reduce the time spent in the Bath . As a catalyst (that has long been known to many of us, of course), a "cat instead of a washcloth " can be used. But technical progress has gone so far that it's impossible to describe all the technical innovations available today in the bath process. Thus, the catalysts. The catalysts can be electrosound, magnetic, gravitational and others… We are interested in BIOLOGICAL CATALYSTS , since the Human Brain was created from the Earth potential , that is, from all that remained after the formation of the Earth from protoplanetary dust. Crowds of the unicellular and multicellular, are still besieging the location of the Brain of the "King of Nature", and can’t stand the thought that they are not needed for an active employment. For this reason, they try to please the Brain at his leisure. Not the lazy part of the unicellular and multicellular organisms (including some bacteria and viruses) formed a Guild that can compete with any technical innovations in bathing the "King of nature". In the Guild, as in