Book 2. The Bath School. Chapter 2. Physics of the Bath Taking Process 90 Amodern man has lived in artificial surroundings for quite a long time. He is formed by a flow of information being generated by the surroundings. Electricity, gas, light, water, sewage, groceries have become for a man the same routine, as the woods, trees, сreek and mushrooms for a hare. The hare does not think where all this stuff comes from. A modern man also doesn't think where electricity in the socket and products in the store come from. For him it is the same reality as sunlight or air. That's why you have to investigate the Bath in all its fine points and details. 2.1. Let’s look into the Bath Everyone knows what the Bath is. Many have seen it and some even enjoy. It is known that after having the Bath , "you might lose your marbles", and you might find yourself in another city. There is no more cunning invention in the history of civilization than the Bath . Because, as Alexander Khatybov used to say and write, and you cannot but agree with it: - firstly , no one knows what can be attributed to the concept of "BATH"; - secondly , even centuries of use of the Bath does not answer the question – what kind of changes take place in the human body after having the Bath ; - thirdly , what kind of Bath is better to have: the one that generates cancer cells in a human body, or the other that promotes the formation of diabetes? This dilemma may seem unsolvable even in the face of rapid development and progress of information technology in various fields of science and technology. Once again, back to the applied terminology . The concept of "BATH" should be regarded as the way of changing the structure of the living cell and the structure of the Brain within a relatively short time. Indirect indicators (loosing of body weight, release from adipose protection) only add to the interest in the bath. The Bath can be arranged on board the space station (Russian bath in smoke and steam is preferable) which you can escape of, leaving the ship without a spacesuit. Let us consider briefly the classification of the well-known contemporary baths.