F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's "SvetL Broom" in A. Khatybov's "Bath School" and A Labour Spade 77 that they have become one and continue to be ... "One of the pre- emptive moves that Nicolai made was preparing a historical reference for the situation when he’s gone, as I said in my essay "The Mirror not of His Soul. " In the same way, his autobiographical book "The Mirror of My Soul" had been written. Evaluating the distortions of information that returned to him after meetings with readers in the form of asked questions, Nicolai wrote an autobiography, which sets out in popular form many of his ideas, his findings, in addition to his biography, which is closely related to what he did. There could no longer be distortions of events and his work, because he set out everything as it was in his understanding. And this became the main and truthful source which made it possible to get information for understanding and gaining one’s one knowledge for any Human being, and not only to show interest in his life story. Unfortunately, many readers had not got at the meaning of this. But about this – later. 1.9. The Postendshpil Immediately after the death of Svetlana, and then Nicolai, the DISTORTION of THEIR LIFE STORY began. The Internet has been flooded with dirt about them, using archival materials and falsifying everything related to their names. Unfortunately, voluntarily or not, there took part those who called themselves "co-workers" of N. Levashov. As it turned out later, this was done, and yet it is being done only to give importance to themselves compared to numerous admirers of N. Levashov. But the foam gradually disappears, and more and more people get to know this absolutely unordinary, in our earthly sense, Personality who CAN NOT BE COMPARED TO ANYONE in the observable past, and probably, future. When I was on the point of finishing to write this chapter, making corrections and introducing some new facts, not mentioned in the first edition, I got a letter from people who honor the memory of Nicolai Levashov, read his books, look for any information about his life and work, apply his Technologies and analyze the results obtained from the point of view of their knowledge, derived from Levashov’s works and not only his works – "... let us immortalize the memory of N. Levashov and show it not only by articles about him, stories and reports on the Technologies, but found His Museum, in which we will collect