Book 2. The Bath School. Chapter 6. About Reason, Consciousness and Matter, or "how to dig with the spade of Knowledge" 352 problem can be clearly traced . Loss of communication (after the change of the Ebr CS for the native CS) of these people with the Control System caused psychological changes which influenced these representatives of the genotype 4XX long before the onset of clinically pronounced disease. In this case, relapses of the disease or periods of deterioration of the general state are always closely related to events affecting the psychological state of patients. And such events take place almost every day. But the main thing is not this. The main thing is that in connection with the termination of the reincarnation program, none of them has a prospect of integrating into the future. Can the "SvetL" Program play any positive role in this case? They can. Neither I nor my team, which is engaged in the "distribution" of the Programs , has any right to refuse anyone to become a Participant of the "SvetL" Programs . None of us can be a judge here. Everyone should have a chance. I am telling you this, readers, and the same in his time, N. Levashov said, when I asked him the question: "how to determine who can be the participant, and who cannot ..?" Many of those who called themselves "Elite" of our society and inadequate actions of whom are visible with "unaided eyes", know about the Programs, the Generator and the Complexes . They read everything that is published on our resources and resources of the SRI CPS . Some of them crossed the "line of distrust" to the Programs and became their participants, having already received a serious "relief" in their problems related to health and development. After a while, many of them will want to become participants out of despair in which they will find themselves. I am writing this because I know. However, everything connected with the application of the Programs for this "category of people" today can not be public. I said what I think is necessary on this subject and close the written with dots up to a certain time, the same way as N. Levashov used to do. The only thing I can say quite openly – THEY ARE SURE NOT TO BE TAKEN TO THE BATH. ………………………………………………. 7.4. Saturation for the achievement Once again I would like to emphasize what I am writing all this for. The main task at the first stage is to saturate the informational space with New Knowledge of Human Social structur on this Earth, which is laid down in the works of N. Levashov, A. Khatybov, N. Morozov and others. Under the word "others" I understand, not many scientists, unfortunately, whose