F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's "SvetL Broom" in A. Khatybov's "Bath School" and A Labour Spade 347 I will not detail here how and why this experiment with plants began (practically all over Russia and in some foreign countries,too), because I want to write a separate book (the working title "The Source of Life – Life goes on") in which I will tell you in detail, relying on the real materials of this project, that became possible thanks to N.Levashov’s experiments made in his Castle in France. This will be a worthy continuation of what Nikolai Levashov started, transforming Flora. And the book will be written by the people whose development allowed them to translate their own resources into reality. I think that another year or two – will be enough for convincing visible results already received by many participants. I will not fail to recall you that the Generator, which had been located under the Castle in France, was "transferred" to Russia FOR THIS KINDOF PHENOMENON , as well. And whatever someone said or wrote that “someone turned off the Generator" after Levashov's death, you should know, this is written and said by THOSE who, above all, want to stop spreading and mostly using N. Levashov’s Technologies. And pulling out quotes from N. Levashov’s books (without understanding the dephs of them) these people are persistently advising us to defeat our local evil – the earthly one, which fusses around everywhere and prevents us from living happily ever after. But they do not refer themselves to this category of fussing evil, because they "take an example from Nikolai Levashov" and "take advantage of the knowledge that he left for them". One can use only one’s own knowledge. And if one does not have one’s own knowledge, then it will not help one,if someone has left something for one. 7.3. For those who are eager to take the Bath Here I am giving you some points that I had to face when creating the "SvetL" Programs . They, in my opinion, are important in comprehending a Man’s physical body (his "shirt") and understanding what happens when the Brain interacts with the Programs. This is useful for those who want to "stay" on this planet longer than the others and is going to take the Bath . The information is given in order of importance and necessity of gaining. However, if you have not masted point 1 (or you do not understand, or doubt it), there is no point in switching to point 2 – you will not be taken to the Bath , and will not be given the chance to stay longer on the Planet. 1. The human Brain, through its control of the body, is able to synthesize and eliminate everything. This means that, no matter what you deprive it of, sooner or later, it will be able to make out of the available