F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's "SvetL Broom" in A. Khatybov's "Bath School" and A Labour Spade 301 6.4. Space, as a characteristic of Consciousness structures Considering this issue, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the interrelationship of the life support fields of IFNS (informational field of the neutrino space) and the IFPS (information field of the proton space). Each of these fields is a spatial structure. Let's take into account that the IFPS does not exceed 72 octave , and the IFNS is an octave from 72 and higher . Everything that is memory is located in the IFNS . Accordingly, speaking of Consciousness, we can talk about the IFNS , since Consciousness is inseparable from Memory and without Memory it can not be formed. The physical (dense) body of Man entirely depends on the qualitative characteristics of the additional bodies, or rather, the characteristics of the Matter, which they are composed of. Cellular memory can also exist only in neutrino space, and with regard to Consciousness at the cellular level, all of the above is true. The communication – the Brain – a cell and the Brain – an organ is performed at the level of the neutrino space. The programs "SvetL " in this case perform the part of a supervisor for these processes. And when this communication is violated because of some reasons, a command "is given" to the Brain to restore the communication and "suggestions" on its restoration. This was the task of working out and adjusting the "SvetL" Programs , since 2012. When this interrelationship is violated, first of all, the violations occur at the level of additional bodies of cells and organs, and violations at the level of a dense physical body are the consequence of those violations. When creating the structures (cells) of Consciousness on a dodecahedral basis (at all levels), such relationships are quite stable, which ensures the stable operation of the system as a whole and SUGNIFICANTLY PROLONG THE LIFE OF THE BIOSTUCTURE . Actually, this is exactly what the "struggle" is for in the adjustment of the "SvetL" Programs . The results obtained allow us to say that with the correct use of the Programs and the Complex itself, the result of the minimum lifespan ( 124 years) is practically reached. The cubic structure has a much less number of communication nodes, which can not provide stability. The result is illness and aging of the physical body. At the cellular level, DNA is responsible for providing communication with the Brain. Let me remind you that at the present time the 4 DNA codon is still inactive, and this state has been persisted throughout the entire intervention. The beginning of the disclosure of the 4 codon provides a gradual increase in the octave of the Brain and its rearrangement to the dodecahedral base . More precisely, the