F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's "SvetL Broom" in A. Khatybov's "Bath School" and A Labour Spade 253 completely agree with this precise expression) of the Gesheftmachers, which will not only bring to large-scale panic and confusion, but also will immediately transform it into the sphere of gaining profit and spreading lies, organizing feud that can lead to military operations . Therefore, the information from A. Khatybov, in my opinion, is more than enough. Therefore, this subject should not worry anyone today. And those few who know what is hidden on this subject let them think what they should do. 5.5. Developing the subject Bodily we look nearly alike, but as for the Brain – it is far from it. And these differences can not be overcome either by upbringing or education or social status, – by nothing... Now you know why. You should not waste your energy, time and your means on persuading, re-educating or refashioning anyone – it's absolutely useless. This is particularly important for those people who sincerely hope to change in a certain person what he does not like. The most that can be achieved in such a case is mimicry, i.e. imitating what you want to see in him or her. Are any real changes possible? All this I told N. Levashov , defending my point of view in our conversations. It was important for my understanding of what was going on. And what was happening to people at that time, as well. Why did I say this to him? Just because I have come across very few people in my life who listened to my conjectures (sometimes just crazy, as I see them now) as carefully as N. Levashov, without interrupting me and never showing me his superiority in both Knowledge and understanding the world around. If I was wrong in something, he always found some life examples to convince me. And then I agreed to him, realizing how much I still had to learn in order to somehow "come closer" to the level of knowledge of this Man . And now, thanks to my personal experience, I believe that a scientist is incompetent or an idiot, to put it mildly, if he is not able to explain to the senior pupil the essence of what he does (I mean the scientist) within 2 hours. At that time, I was just sure that at the first opportunity the person tries not to think at all... The brain is the idlest, most lustful and most useless part of the body that absolutely does not want to work... The brain would rather deceive, steal, simulate, than make the work well. It seemed to me that in the body there are special substances that are secreted specifically so that we do