F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's "SvetL Broom" in A. Khatybov's "Bath School" and A Labour Spade 221 extinction, since science for the past 500 years has not found anything that could shake its foundations . Nevertheless, let us consider not the horse's point of view on the blood, in other words, the unscientific version about the blood plasma and its use by a living cell. 4.6. Paradoxes of blood plasma, or Biological aspects of non-horse Science If children in a kindergarten every day, in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening, are fed only with semolina, then on the third day you will get a strike. The Man’s body consists of more than 640 different cell types, each type has up to 2484 varieties. Each cell at the frequency corresponding only to it has a connection with the Brain. If such a connection is broken, the cell begins to live at the expense of its neighbors, and neighboring cells are forced to change their way of life. Each cell has its own needs: one consumes only compotes to keep the figure, another likes sausage such as "salami". If these cells get the same every day, and they also dig in all those wastes that float by, then soon enough the connection with the brain will not be required, and the cells will just live at the expense of neighbors, selecting from them the most tasty pieces. To such cells the Brain is no longer needed, and they can boldly raise the question of the democratic way of the control, where each group of cells takes what it likes most. It should be noted that the cells not only drink and pee, but eat and poo . These features are known to science, but because of the sensitivity of the question, science does not touch this aspect and prefers to assign the cells the role of an automated complex where everything that is obtained is eaten and after an autonomous processing (or without it) again comes to be eaten . Thus, quite a problem is removed – there is no need not only to feed the cell, but also not to care about the waste disposal. Lately, it has been observed that some cells change pH (even a version is suggested that pH varies in cells taken for the Brain). However, this is still referred to the whims of weather ( pH has one value in rain, and another one in wind). Remember that pH is the negative logarithm of the ion concentration in the solution . The type of solution is not specified.