F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's "SvetL Broom" in A. Khatybov's "Bath School" and A Labour Spade 185 However, there is a minor phenomenon – when frostbitten – they have always been softly rubbed with snow. In this case, there was a soft recovery of рН. рН of frost-bitten skin is 4,21-4,39, and this corresponds to рН of weak solution of hydrochloric acid. Snow at temperature -12 0 С has рН 5,20 , and at the initial stage of soft rubbing the skin restores to the normal, here you should not use strong alkaline solutions (alcohol, soap) – you can get a burn and local neutralization of skin conductivity. Summing up. Before going to take the Bath , you have to find and buy a laundry soap at least of 72%. Having bought the soap, you have to keep it carefully and store it so that it would not be eaten by the mouse, if they are in the house, since the mice are very fond of this soap. You have to soap yourself with competence. Efficiency is achieved only when no more than 60 seconds have elapsed since the moment of soaping to the moment of washing off. It should be remembered that in your hands you have the PRODUCT OF THE COLD NUCLEAR SYNTHESIS , which does not and cannot exist either in Europe or in other parts of the world. And you should be proud of this because few from those regions will be taken to the Bath. 3.8. The error of thinking I will allow myself to reflect a little in the style of N. Levashov , the more so I am completing the third volume that he had started . I want the reader not to get tired of the "mountain" of new information that has fallen on him (not always easily perceived at the first time). Everything that is written and described here, you can accept of in a different way. You can take, or you can not take, even on trust. This is the choice of each one. But, in my opinion, TO CONSIDER IT – IS ADVISABLE. I have long been convinced that the majority of people (not only considering themselves to be clever, but really very intelligent, capable of discussing most difficult scientific, mathematical, philosophical subjects) very rarely can understand the simplest and obvious truth. The truth, that admits that their own judgment about the subject may be wrong; that judgment that they have made, sometimes with great efforts, which they are proud of, which they have taught others, on the basis of which they have arranged their life. In my opinion, the most common and annoying mistake of most people's thinking is preconception.