F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's "SvetL Broom" in A. Khatybov's "Bath School" and A Labour Spade 127 (on Earth's time scale). The middle point corresponds to 124 years of life. The perfect cell can be left to live for 32000 years , but under unchanged outer conditions. The optimal point at 124 years corresponds to a cell approximating perfection , but changing with the next mutation due to changes in outer conditions. All calculations made over the past year showed that with the timely and proper use and application of “ SvetL" Programs this point is attainable. Note that a living cell is a multi-stage (multi-octave) structure – from 32 (ionic) to 96 (neutrino) octave. It makes no sense to compare the power capacities in different octaves – one charge equivalent of octave 52 corresponds to approximately charge equivalents of octave 32 , that is, the ionic structure has a minimum charge equivalent, and devices for recording charge equivalents of high octaves do not exist. The potentials of high octaves serve to maintain the gravitational frequencies of the cell's communication with the Brain. And if this COMMUNICATION IS CONSTANT AND SUSTAINABLE , then your taking the Bath was not in vain and the specified point you are sure to reach. This is written responsibly and consciously. And if this causes misunderstanding or skepticism inherent in modern science, then to these skeptics, you just want to come up and ask: "Is it difficult to live without Brains?" 2.10. The Normalization As it is known from the course of the mathematical analysis, the normal is the perpendicular to the line, the surface. Thus, the normalization is the motion of the potential at an angle to the cross section of the wave. This unexpected invasion of a foreign body with conjugated properties has its own peculiarities, especially for the remnants of a soap solution and the web not removed in time. As in the case of the superposition, the whole spectrum of negative phenomena is repeated. But if native potentials participate in the superposition, so, having family ties they can be spanked; they do not do much harm, except for the one-sided development of the offspring (known in genetics and in biology as the presence of family ties). Effects of the superposition are not observed immediately – after a certain time, the "King of Nature’s’ PANCREAS FAILS first of all, and then depending on the sign of the charge of the composite or the assembled potential, either diabetes mellitus or hemophilia are developed successfully. I want to warn the reader: do not try everything on