F. Shkrudnev N. Levashov's "SvetL Broom" in A. Khatybov's "Bath School" and A Labour Spade 113 2.6. Annihilation as the basis of the bath-taking process Let's remember what parameters should be used to safely carry out the bath process. It has already been said about these parameters. These include: the pH value (the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ions concentration in the solution), the initial and final octave undergoing changes, the Diogenes barrel in which the intermediate result hides, the Archimedes spiral as the standard for the output shape, the stereometric structures of the input and output forms, the web quality in the corners of the Baths ; the type of soap and its properties, the current albedo value, the number of cyclic sequences of the input and output forms, the wave node phase, the potential integral value according to the parameters of temperature, humidity and pressure created by the above parameters. All this must be collected, placed and fixed in a short period of time. And there must also be well-developed instructions for this process. In the bath taking process, in addition to annihilation, there is also a superposition case, when not following the instructions, not only soap and a washcloth disappear, but also THE SUBJECT TO BE WASHED. And the process of disappearing takes place WITHOUT ANY NOISE and does not cause ANY HARM to the Bathhouse. An example of annihilation is an atomic explosion, when packed in an atomic bomb the parameters of the Archimedes' spiral, Diogenes’ barrel with the minimal cyclic sequence at the maximum albedo are wrapped in a spider web and are ejected, for example, through the window. In this case, the web unfolds and creates conditions in which annihilation takes place. In outer space there is no web, and there can not be atomic explosions. THIS IS IMPORTANT. For a detailed analysis of the parameters, it is necessary to reduce them to a table, to which further explanations can be given. In this table, the ordinal number in the vertical line corresponds to the ordinal number horizontally (for example, pH-No.1 vertically and No. 1 horizontally). Dependent relationships are indicated, explanations are given below, the ratios are given horizontally, that is, the vertical line is secondary. Relationship table 1 – рН; 2 – the initial octave; 3 – the final octave; 10 – current albedo value; 11 – number of cyclic sequences of the input form;