Сборник статей и публикаций 2015-2017 гг. Часть IV

35 «Gifts from Santa Claus», or what is happening before our eyes Before discussing the ongoing events, some of the concepts that «penetrate us with mother’s milk should be remembered». Nowadays modern science is an unshakeable pyramid of knowledge which has been created by Mankind in the course of its being on the Earth. This is a rigid and consistent system of knowledge about the Earth, Noosphere, Cosmos, evolution of life on the Earth. It is transformed into specific technical products: atomic bomb to annihilate Mankind (in case of necessity), ships, air-crafts, rockets, power plants, factories, as well as fast-moving consumer goods (diapers, grenades, TV sets, machine guns, and so forth). Fig. 1. The sisters of mercy in the Crimean war (1854–1855)